Tuesday, June 14, 2011

If you think you can't.....

When I was in high school, I was a proud member of the debate team.  I remember a saying we used to say to each other that goes something like "If you think you can't, you're probably right."  We would use it to encourage each other to think positively about our upcoming debates.  Granted, we were not the most prepared group of debaters ever (most of the other schools we competed against actually had debate as a CLASS, and we were after-school folk), but man, did we have fun trying!  I would also like to think we were a pretty positive group as a whole, at least when it came time to argue about things we believed in.

I've come across so many people in my quest to live WalMart-free that say "oh, I just can't do that.  My budget won't allow it."  To those people, I say IF YOU THINK YOU CAN'T, YOU'RE PROBABLY RIGHT.  Actually, the WalMart Corporation is depending on you to believe that their prices are the lowest and you cannot survive without them.  That's what they spend $570 million dollars annually* to convince you of.

The real question here isn't wether you can afford to stop shopping at WalMart, it's wether or not you want to try.  Do you believe in the company you're supporting?  I didn't, and that's why I made the change.  I am not going to lie to you and tell you it was easy.  It sounds crazy, I know, but in America, giving up WalMart is like trying to eliminate baseball or ice cream from your life.  But it's not impossible, even with a tight budget.  If you want to do something, do it!

* Helm, Burt.  "Wanna Be Wal-Mart's Ad Man?"  Bloomberg BusinessWeek.com, 19 Sept 2006. Web.

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